sobota 17. ledna 2009

How I join to the Facebook?

Facebook is a comunity portal for people, who want to meet their friends on the internet. EurHOPE uses facebook to comunicate with people in our project.

First, you must have an email (Here is tutorial for register on Gmail). Now, go to the In the left down corner you can change the page language to your native (our tutorial works with an English version).

Look at the right side of the page. Under the tittle "Sign Up" is a registration table. Write your data to the boxes and click Sign Up. Next screen wants you to copy the text in the picture to the box below. Then click Sign Up again. Now Facebook sends you an email with a confirmation link. Let's go sign to your email (our is Gmail).
You have a new email message from Facebook. Open it and click on the link in the middle of the email. You will be automatically redirected to the Facebook page. You can login in your profile at the header of the page. Write your email and password to the box and click Login. Now you see your Facebook! First thing what you do after logging in to your profile is setting information about you. Click on "Profile" (header of the page, second link next to the Facebook logo). If you want to set your photo, you have to click on one of the two links, it depends on what you want to do. Under this links is "Edit My Profile", click on it if you want to change information about you. Profile settings consist of three parts, when you have one finished, you must press "Save Changes" to complete editing.
Second, but VERY IMPORTANT thing for EURHOPE users is adding your profile to the EURHOPE group. At the header of the page find the Search box. Here write "eurhope". You may find more links, but only one named EurHope is the right one. Press "Request to Join" and now you are in our group.
That's all about basics, but no about all features that Facebook offers :-) Use them all!

Tutorial by Jan Ševčík

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